

The easy way is to use one of the utilities provided by Python's setuptools. If you don't have setuptools, you can install them with:

{% highlight bash %} sudo apt-get install python-setuptools {% endhighlight %}

...or with:

{% highlight bash %} sudo yum install python-setuptools {% endhighlight %}

... depending on your platform. You can then install GitPython with:

{% highlight bash %} sudo easy_install GitPython {% endhighlight %}

After that, it will be available for you to import and use:

{% highlight python %} import git {% endhighlight %}


Initialize a Repository Object

If you have a local directory that has already been initialized as a Git repository (hint: it should contain a .git subdirectory), then you can simply create an object of it:

{% highlight python %} import git repo = git.Repo('/home/marios/repositories/test-repo') {% endhighlight %}

See Also

VMware Transparent Page Sharing

Transparent Page Sharing is a memory-saving technique employeed by VMware ESXi hosts, that runs as a background job on the host and removes duplicates pages of memory, by first comparing a hash of the contents of each page, and then comparing pages the hash of which is identical bit by bit.

VMware Memory Balloning

Memory Balloning is a memory reclamation technique employeed by VMware ESXi hosts, that is triggered by high memory utilization on the host and aims to reclaim unused memory on some VMs, for use in others that require it.

Read more

VMware Acronyms

This is a list of acronyms that I come across while reading VMware documentation.

Transparent Page Sharing is a memory-saving technique that runs as a background job on the host, and deduplicates the contents of RAM on the hypervisor, page by page. Read more on TPS...
Card image cap

ISO Date Format in Apache Logs

Apache's mod_log_config module (installed by default on CentOS 6) allows for the CustomLog directive, which in turn takes a log format specification. This post shows how to use ISO format for Apache logs.

Read More → Subapplications

To better organize your source code in a application, you can break it down in subapplications. Those subapplications will be imported as Python modules in your main script (which, in the below examples is


AttributeError: 'module' object has no attiribute ...

If you get the error:

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'app'

...then you might be running into Python naming collissions. Check if you have given one of your subapplications the same name as an existing Python module. For example, you shouldn't name a subapplication user, since that is an existing Python module.

ImportError: No module named ...

If you get the error:

ImportError: No module named subapp

... (where subapp is the name of your subapplication), then Python cannot import the subapplication as a module. As a first step, create an empty file named in the same directory as your subapplication, and try again. If you still get that error, and assuming your subapplications are in the same directory as your main application, you can try this ugly hack in the very beginning of your main application script:

import inspect
import os
import sys

Hello, I'm Marios Zindilis and this is my website. Opinions are my own. You also find me on LinkedIn and GitHub.

Unless otherwise specified, content is licensed under CC0.
