Regular expressions in python-markdown2 (part 1)

This article is a look into the performance of one of the regular expressions used in the python-markdown2 Python module for converting Markdown syntax to HTML. It was initially written for pure fun, and in celebration of its own pointlessness, but eventually the changes proposed here made it upstream in pull request 204.

Standardize line endings

This regular expression appears very early in the conversion process:

text = re.sub("\r\n|\r", "\n", text)

Its use is fairly obvious: it changes all single carriage returns (\r) and all carriage returns followed by a newline (\r\n) to single newlines (\n). The same effect can be achieved in Python with two str.replace() statements and in fact that would be much faster. The following example uses timeit, which comes with the IPython shell:

%timeit 'Apples\r\nOranges\r\nKiwis\rGrapes\r'.replace('\r\n', '\n')
1000000 loops, best of 3: 270 ns per loop

%timeit 'Apples\r\nOranges\r\nKiwis\rGrapes\r'.replace('\r', '\n')
1000000 loops, best of 3: 195 ns per loop

%timeit re.sub(r'\r\n|\r', '\n', 'Apples\r\nOranges\r\nKiwis\rGrapes\r')
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.31 us per loop

So the two runs of str.replace() add up to 465 nanoseconds, whereas one run of re.sub() takes 2.31 microseconds, that is 2310 nanoseconds, or about five times slower.

The question is: Does it matter? Well, my copy of The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy that includes all five books in the series, is 776 pages long, and each full page has 42 lines (yes, I counted twice, and now I am wondering if it was done on purpose). Following up on the previous calculations, if you had to convert that book from Markdown to HTML, (about 32592 lines), it would take you a whole 0.02 seconds to do that with re.sub(), or about 0.004 seconds to do that with str.replace(). Therefore, the answer to my previous question: Does it matter? is 42.

Now the question becomes: Does it really matter? Well, if you had to convert all 30 million paperback books that Amazon has for sale (number found through a search on, and assuming each book is as healthy in size as THHGTTG, then it would take you a week to do that with re.sub(), but only a day and a half to do it with str.replace(). Thus, for the Python developer out there who is pondering on converting 30 million books from Markdown to HTML, the answer is: Go with str.replace(). For the rest of us it's still 42.

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