
Getting Started with Typescript

A series of videos from on getting started with TypeScript.

  1. Welcome
  2. Install Node.js
  3. Configure TypeScript
  4. Classes - Part 1
  5. Classes - Part 2
  6. Getting Started with Typescript - Declaring Variables - let vs var
  7. Getting Started with Typescript - Run & Compile with Webpack
  8. Getting Started with Typescript - TypeScript - Classes - Part 3
  9. PackageJSON - npm init
  10. jQuery, Typings, & npm
  11. Thank you

Try Angular 4

A good series of videos from guiding through the creation of a complete application in Angular 4:

  1. Welcome (2:40)
  2. Getting Started (5:53)
  3. App Module & Component (8:13)
  4. Ng Generate New Component (5:46)
  5. Selectors & Components (2:08)
  6. ngFor and ngIf (7:57)
  7. Mapping Urls with RouterModule (9:17)
  8. Dynamic Routing of Components (7:38)
  9. Safely Embed a Video (8:38)
  10. Pipes & Custom Pipes (9:11)
  11. Rapid Bootstrap 3 Overview (15:14)
  12. Bootstrap for Angular // ngx bootstrap (11:39)
  13. ngx bootstrap carousel (11:56)
  14. Angular Click Events (14:17)
  15. Http Requests (17:02)
  16. Http & Featured (6:22)
  17. Two Way Data Binding (4:22)
  18. ngForm Basics (7:55)
  19. Search Detail (12:09)
  20. Passing Data to Components (12:08)
  21. Video Service (16:47)
  22. Search Video List (8:01)
  23. Video Item Model (7:19)
  24. Router Link & Improved Navigation (4:16)
  25. Improve Styling (11:06)
  26. ngClass (6:49)
  27. ngBuild and Deploy to Heroku (22:16)
  28. Thank You and Next Steps (1:43)

These instructions should get this up and running on Ubuntu:

git clone
cd Try-Angular-v4
npm install
ng serve

Et Cetera

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