Standard Input, Standard Output, Redirection and Pipes

"This is the Unix philosophy: Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface." -- Doug McIlroy, the inventor of Unix pipes

The commands I'm going to talk about here are called filters. Data passes through them and they modify it a bit on the way. These commands read data from their standard input and write data to their standard output. By default, standard input is your keyboard and standard output is your screen. For example, the tr command is a filter that translates one set of characters to another. This invocation of tr turns all lower case characters to upper case characters:

You type:

$ tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]"

You get:


Then type:

i feel like shouting

You get:


You can exit from this with [ctrl-d]. This tells the command line that you're done entering input.

You can tell your shell to connect standard output to a file instead of your screen using the > operator. The term for this is redirection. One would talk about redirecting the output of tr to a file. Later you can use the cat command to write the file to your screen.

You type:

$ tr a-z A-Z > tr_output
this is a test
$ cat tr_output

You get:


Many Unix commands that take a file as an argument will read from standard input if not given a file. For example, the grep command searches a file for a string and prints the lines that match. If I wanted to find my entry in the password file I might say:

$ grep jrauser /etc/passwd
jrauser:x:7777:100:John Rauser:/home/jrauser:/bin/bash

But I could also redirect a file to grep's standard input using the < operator. You can see that the < and > operators are like little arrows that indicate the flow of data.

$ grep jrauser < /etc/passwd
jrauser:x:7777:100:John Rauser:/home/jrauser:/bin/bash

You can use the pipe | operator to connect the standard output of one command to the standard input of the next. The cat command reads a file and writes it to its standard output, so yet another way to find my entry in the password file is:

$ cat /etc/passwd | grep jrauser
jrauser:x:7777:100:John Rauser:/home/jrauser:/bin/bash

For a slightly more interesting example, the mail command will send a message it reads from standard input. Let's send my entry in the password file to me in an email.

$ cat /etc/passwd | grep jrauser | mail -s "passwd entry" [email protected]

Using output with headers

In many situations, you end up with output that has a first line that is a header describing the data, and subsequent lines that are the data. An example is ps:

$ ps | head -5
  PID TTY           TIME CMD
22313 ttys000    0:00.86 -bash
31537 ttys001    0:00.06 -bash
22341 ttys002    0:00.28 -bash
70093 ttys002    0:00.00 head -5

If you wish to manipulate the data but not the header use tail with the -n switch to start at line 2. For example:

$ ps | tail -n +2 | grep bash | head -5
22313 ttys000    0:00.86 -bash
31537 ttys001    0:00.06 -bash
22341 ttys002    0:00.28 -bash
70120 ttys002    0:00.00 -bash

This output shows only bash processes because of grep.

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